Education & Training

One major goal of GraphicVision.AI is to foster the advancement of knowledge and education of students in areas that contribute to Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Thus, GraphicVision.AI initiates and supports the visit and exchange among Researchers, PhD students and Post-Docs. It supports and strongly encourages common master thesis, PhD thesis, or scientific publications among the members. For that purpose, GraphicVision.AI established its “PhD@GVAIN” programme by the end of 2018. The purpose of this programme is to promote and support selected PhD projects and students, by way of S&T supervision, mentoring and financial support (scholarships).

In the following we provide an overview of selected tools and internal projects for fostering the network internal collaboration towards the promotion of education and training.


GraphicsVision.AI Research Retreats

The GraphicsVision.AI Research Retreats were established in 2018, with the purpose of

  • bringing together researchers from AI, machine vision and machine learning, visualization and simulation, computer graphics, multimodal and multimedia technologies and visual interactive digital media technologies;
  • focusing on dedicated key-innovation topics with small groups of researchers from members and associates of;
  • developing proposals for joint research projects and joint development activities;
  • setting the base for joint publications and research agendas in “buttom-up” mode;
  • strengthening network building and alumni networks.

The Research Retreats also target at strengthening knowledge about the partners’ activities and research projects. In particular, they provide a platform to present, discuss, and relate own research works such as ongoing or finished works on Master or Ph.D. theses. The Research Retreats also represent an operational context for inviting leading corporate partners from industry that can provide students and researchers insights into industry perspectives. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner (Hasso Plattner Institute) leads the Research Retreats with its office in Málaga, Spain.