GraphicsVision.AI’s organizational structure is very lightweight. The founding members and shareholders of GraphicsVision.AI are Vicomtech, DFKI, CCG and Mivtech.
The Supervisory Board is composed as follows:
- Dr. Jorge Posada (President) – Vicomtech – San Sebastián, Spain
- Prof. Dr. Ricardo Machado – Centro de Computação Gráfica (CCG) – Guimarães, Portugal
- Prof. Dr. Peter Eisert – Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications – Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) – Berlin, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner – Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering (HPI) – Potsdam, Germany
- Prof. Dubravko Culibrk – The Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research and Development of Serbia, Novi Sad, Serbia
- Kuan Zheng – Chinese-German Artificial Intelligence Institute (CGAII) – Zhuhai, China
- Iván Vallarino – Mivtech – Panama City, Panama
Prof. Dr. Didier Stricker (DFKI) also acts as Managing Director.