

DFKI – German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Kaiserslautern (Germany)

The Leading R&D Center in Germany for SW technology using Artificial Intelligence
Co-Leaders of the Industry 4.0 German strategy definition for the German Government

HPI Hasso-Plattner Institute, Potsdam (Germany)

Private R&D Institute created by Hasso Plattner, one of the 3 founders of the SAP corporation
One of the top-5 Computer Science departments in German speaking countries (CHE Ranking)

Fraunhofer HHI Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin (Germany)

Oldest institute in the Fraunhofer Society (established in 1928, joined Fraunhofer in 2003)
World leader in the development for mobile/optical communication networks & systems as well as processing and coding

Vicomtech Logo

VICOMTECH – Visual Interaction Communication Technologies, San Sebastián (Spain)

#1 Private R&D Institute in Spain for H2020 Security Programme
Leading BigData Reference H2020 projects (in Automated Driving and in Digital Security)

Centro de Computação Gráfica

CCG – Computer Graphics Center, Guimarães (Portugal)

#1 R&D Institute in Portugal in Applied Research  in Computer Graphics
Very strong in Automotive and Autonomous Driving (strategic partnership with Bosch)


The Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Serbia, Novi Sad, Serbia

A leading institute in AI. The fields of interest are:
Computer Vision and Remote Sensing; Green AI; AI in Healthcare and Life Sciences; Human Computer Interaction; Smart Factory. For more information, see:

CGAII –  China-Germany Artificial Intelligence Institute, Zhuhai (China)

Leading Chinese R&D Institute in the domain of Artificial Intelligence
Product and service-oriented; associated commercialization partner

Mivtech, Panama City (Panama)

Innovation oriented SME; products and services in media production and distribution