Prof. Jürgen Döllner and Jürgen Bund

GraphicsVision.AI at European Robotics Forum 2020

GraphicsVision.AI participated in the 2020 edition of the European Robotics Forum that took place between March 3 and 5 in Málaga.

The network was represented by its Managing Director, Jürgen Bund, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner (Hasso-Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering) and Dr. Alain Pagani (DFKI – German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence).

As a sponsor to the event, GraphicsVision.AI had a booth. Additionally, we co-hosted one of the technical workshops which were the heart of the event, in cooperation with EMVA – European Machine Vision Association. The workshop was dedicated to “Vision Tech – Innovation Driver for Robotics and AI”. Dr. Pagani provided an insight into current and upcoming research topics in AI and Machine Vision and Learning. Other presentations were given by Dr. Chris Yates (EMVA) and Dr. Michael Suppa (roboception GmbH).

Although there was a lower participation as expected, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many new contacts with representatives from the Robotics were established. Additionally, Jürgen Bund took the opportunity to meet several partners face-to-face, but with the recommended “social distance”, for discussing an ongoing project proposal initiative to be submitted to one of the open Robotics calls due end of April.


Prof. Jürgen Döllner and Jürgen Bund
Jürgen Bund and Dr. Alain Pagani
Dr. Alain Pagani during the workshop